Reader Question: “I was told that snakes cannot make it up a set of stairs. Is this true? Can snakes climb stairs into a house?”
Yes, they can climb stairs very easily. They can also climb trees, rocks, and just about any other vertical surface. I have witnessed this firsthand on several occasions. In fact, I once had a Brazilian rainbow boa escape from its cage (temporarily, thankfully), and he climbed up the stairs to the second floor of my house. Imagine my surprise when I walked down the hall from my bedroom one morning, only to find a pet reptile on the loose.
When a snake climbs a set of stairs, it will lift the front third of its body from one step to the next. It uses the lower two-thirds of its body as a base. Once the front part is up, it pulls the rest of its body up. This process is repeated over and over, until it reaches its objective.
Longer snakes, such as pythons and king cobras, can actually clear several steps at once. They stretch the front part of their long bodies forward, clearing several steps all at once. It doesn’t even look like their climbing the stairs, so much as crawling right over them.
In the grand scheme of things, stairs are actually quite easy for most snakes. In the wild, I have seen them climb more impressive obstacles. I once found a corn snake climbing up the side of an oak tree (probably looking for baby birds to eat). It did this by anchoring itself on whatever bumps and knobs it could find along the tree trunk. I’ve also seen a snake climb a “cattle gate,” moving from one horizontal bar to the next.
And then we have the truly arboreal species like the boomslang, which can scale almost anything.
My Kingsnake Climbs Like a Champ!
In closing, I’d like to share an amusing picture with you. You’ve probably heard that pet snakes are like escape artists, and that you need to secure their cages well. This is absolutely correct. Here’s a picture of my California kingsnake when it was a baby. The climbing ability is pretty obvious in this picture. When I first put it into this Vision cage, it made attempts like this for a week straight. Then it finally settled in and accepted its new home.